A market if touched (MIT) is an order to buy or sell below (or above)…
What is a market on open order (MOO)?
A market-on-open (MOO) order combines a market order with the OPG time in force to create an order that is automatically submitted at the market’s open and fills at the market price.
Notes for MOO Orders
- ToledoTrade may simulate market orders on exchanges.
- Nasdaq MOO (and LOO) orders must be submitted prior to 09:28 ET.
- Options Orders: MOO orders for options must be directed to an exchange. The OPG time in force for directed options orders will only be available when you select a routing destination that supports this order type, for example CBOE, CBOE2 or MIAX.
- Option functionality for MOO orders may not be available in the PaperTrader.